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Acne Facts And Fictions

Acne is far from an uncommon ailment. Many of us struggle with this harmless, yet aggravating condition. Fallacies about acne are abundant, as well. Hopefully this article will help you sort out the fact from the fiction.

Fact: Acne is caused by oil secreted by the skin

Yes, it is true that one of the major components of acne is oil secreted by sebaceous glands, which are found in the skin of all mammals.

Fact: Acne is caused by blocked pores

Yes, dead skin cells and excessive oil secretions combine to block the pores in the skin. These blocked pores then begin to grow the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. The body may then have an allergic reaction to these bacteria. These factors combine to cause an inflammatory response by your body, which is what we call acne.

Fiction: Acne is caused is caused by improper hygiene

While it is true that acne is caused by blocked pores, better hygiene cannot prevent acne. All of the scrubbing in the world cannot unblock or prevent the blocking of pores, because the blockage is well below the surface of the skin.

Fiction: Acne is cause by diet

While acne is caused by excessive oil secretions, changing your diet to exclude oilier foods is not likely to help. These oil secretions are not diet related, but hormonally controlled.

Fact: Acne is related to hormones

The causes of acne are largely controlled by hormones, so acne is often triggered by hormonal changes, such as puberty. Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause the excessive oil secretions, and other factors that are related to the causes of acne.

Fact Acne may be caused by medications

Yes, there is evidence to show that Acne can be caused or triggered by certain medicines or chemicals, including Anabolic steroids, any medication that contains halogens, and exposure to high amounts of chlorine compounds.

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