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Home Gym Full Body Training Routines

We all know how difficult in might be to make it to the gym after 9 long hours at work. I bet it has happened to you as well.

But what do you do when you don’t feel you have the energy to stop by the local gym on your way home? Or may be you don’t have the time for a workout at the gym. You can only use 20 – 30 min.

What’s the solution then? It could be only one – a full body workout at your home gym.

But first take this from me. If you don’t have a home gym set up already, don’t even think of missing a workout. Go to the local gym where you are a member. Missing a single workout can set a path for a habit. Vice versa, not missing a workout won’t let you think of such an option.

So, let’s suppose that it’s one of these days when you can’t make it to the gym, and are planning on working out at home. That means you have a gym of some sort, already set up.

In this article I want to advise you on your choices for a full body routine. The workout you will pick however, will all depend on how your home gym is equipped.

For example you might have a home-gym machine. Or you might be a hardcore bodybuilder. Then you have free weights as your main equipment.

If you belong to the first group – you own a home gym machine – this is the part you should be reading.

The simplest home gym machines are equipped for at least several exercises such as: bench press, lat pull down, seated rows, biceps curls, triceps push-downs, leg extensions and standing hamstring curls.

That’s actually plenty. You can complete the whole body in a single session.

Your circuit workout:

/Warm up/

Crunches 2-3 x 15 – 30

Seated bench press 3 x 10 – 12

Lat pull-down 3 x 10 – 12

Front cable raises (machine behind you, lower pulley cable between your thighs) 3 x 10 – 12

Standing biceps cable curls (lower pulley cable, facing the machine) 3 x 10 – 12

Standing triceps push-downs (using the lat-pull down handle) 3 x 10 – 12

Leg extensions 3 x 12 – 15

Standing hamstring curls (facing the machine) 3 x 12 – 15

/Cool down/

You have more options for replacing some of the exercises:

Replace seated bench press wide grip with seated bench press close grip.

Replace lat pull down with seated rows (facing the machine).

Replace standing biceps cable curls with lying cable curls (lie down on the floor on your back and place your feet on the rolling pads for support).

In case that you belong to the second group – you are a hardcore enthusiast or bodybuilder, the least equipment you have (I would guess) is an adjustable bench, a power rack, an olympic barbell set and a pair of dumbbells with adjustable weights.

For you I’d suggest two circuit routines. You can do only one of them or you can do two circuits, using both if you feel you have energy (and desire) to do that:

Workout One/Circuit One

/Warm up/

Crunches 1-2 x 15 – 30

Flat bench press on the rack 2-3 x 12 – 15

Barbell rows 2-3 x 10 – 15

Seated dumbbell overhead presses 2-3 x 12 – 15

Barbell curls 2-3 x 8 – 12

Barbell lying triceps extensions 2-3 x 12 – 15

Squats 2-3 x 10 x 15

Stiff Leg Dead Lifts 2-3 x 10 – 12

/Cool down/

Workout Two/Circuit Two

/Warm up/

Reverse crunches 1-2 x 15 – 20

Dumbbell flys 2-3 x 10 – 12

One-arm dumbbell rows 2-3 x 10 – 12

Dumbbell lateral raises 2-3 x 10 – 12

Seated dumbbell curls 2-3 x 8 – 12

One-arm overhead triceps extensions 2-3 x 8 – 12

Lunges (holding a pair of dumbbells) 2-3 x 12 – 15

/Cool down/

Note that the number of reps is slightly higher than what you would normally do should you have worked out at the gym. I did it this way intentionally. My advice is that you use 50 – 70% of your One Rep Max due to the fact that you don’t have a spotter. If you think you can go heavier please do, but at your own risk.

That’s it. Now that you finished your workout you deserve a nice, chilled protein shake. After all you are at home and can make it any way you want, right. And, yes, you should feel good because you didn’t miss your workout.

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