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How To Treat Bed Bugs Bites Via Herbs

The problem of bed bugs is centuries old. Bed bugs dilemma and related health issues were reported from European medieval times. Also, the Greeks had documented the same predicament in various classical writings. Bites of bed bugs have made it impossible for people to take a good sleep at night. In fact, resting on an infested bed, cot or couch is one thing and nibbled by bed bugs is another issue. Bed bugs are non-carriers of diseases and their bites are painless. However, people having such problems are embarrassed about dilemma of bed bugs’ bites. These bloodsucking parasitic insects not only cause physical harm but may also affect one’s mental condition. It is believed that their infestation is damaging the human relationships, which may result in psychological disorders. Following are the consequences of bed bugs’ bites:

– Frustration, swelling and damaging of the local tissue

– Immediate or delayed allergy reactions

– Systematic pattern of bite marks

Now, the question arises that how to treat bites of bed bugs. These bites are limited to itchiness plus swelling welts and are potentially incapable of transmitting injurious diseases. Washing of bitten body part with soap and water is an immediate treatment. Do not scratch the affected part as it may lead to severe infection resulting in advance medical treatment. You can also treat the nibbled part with ice. In addition, special herbs are also suggested, which will aid in speeding up of remedial process.

Treatment of bed bugs bites’ through herbs helps in stopping itchiness and controlling the infections. Moreover, these are utilized for imbalance correction, improved symptoms, energy increase and the immune system boost up. Chinese herbs are beneficial as they can be used in mixture with additional herbs. This combination of herbs depends on the state of bed bugs’ bites. Below are few herbs which can be brought into play for bed bugs’ bites.

1. Plantain or band-aid plant also termed as ribwort and pig’s ear) is commonly found herb at parks, playgrounds and driveways. It is distinguished from other herbs by its five veins which are parallel and run on every leaf. Out of its two types, the broad leaf herb has long thin leaves. Whereas, the plantain with narrow leaves has also long thin leaves but its flower head is smaller in size and looks like a flying saucer. Leaves and seeds of various plantain species are used for bed bugs’ bites treatment.

2. Mud is the oldest and most simple poultice. You can treat the bed bugs’ bites with white clay in powdered form mixed herb tea. Clay usually has no chances of fungal spores’ inclusion.

3. Mild starchy materials like graded potato, finely grounded grains of rice/ oatmeal, arrowroot powder and mallow root may be employed to control brutal pain and itchiness.

4. Fresh-herb poultices are somewhat complicated to be used than other herbs. You should chew it first and then apply the resulting substance to the affected area. Place the poultice in a large sized leaf or in an adhesive bandage for best effects. Plantium, wild geranium, Comfrey, Yellow dock, and Chickweed are few examples of poultice.

Leaves of willow, oak, maple and hazel are best for bed bugs’ bites treatment. Maple and oak are the safest and recognizable herbs, which can be used after chewing.

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