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Old Fashioned Recipe For Preventing Allergies And Chemical Sensitivities

Allergies and chemical sensitivities are a symptom of a compromised immune system.

Candida overgrowth in the body may be the precursor to immune dysfunction causing all kinds of illness and allergies to food, pollen and multiple chemical sensitivities. Antibiotics, sugar and refined carbohydrates help create and grow this problem.

Candida lives in balance with beneficial bacteria in the colon. The colon is vital for nutrient absorption and toxin elimination and one of its key contributions is the ability to break down the foods we eat. It is the first line of defense for the immune system.

Food is broken down in the colon with the help of enzymes, yeast and beneficial bacteria that live there; they help keep the colon healthy.

Antibiotics kill germs but they also kill the good bacteria in the colon. This results in less bacteria creating an imbalance, allowing Candida (yeast), to dominate. Candida continues to grow out of balance when there is too much sugar in the diet, whether it comes from refined sugar or high glycemic carbohydrates like fruit, carrots or bread.

My theory is that Candida overgrowth in the colon starts interfering with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, resulting in less than optimal functioning of the organs and the immune system. In addition, a poorly functioning colon is not able eliminate toxins as well and the compromise snowballs.

Adding beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and fiber to the diet are very helpful. Cultured foods like kefir, cultured vegetables and beverages are very effective at delivering the beneficial bacteria to the colon intact. Getting the good bacteria from cultured food not only replenishes the colon, but the fermentation/culturing process enhances the nutrition in the food, and predigests it, providing super nutrition, which is very helpful especially while the gut is healing.

Eliminating sugar and high glycemic carbohydrates is crucial and will help starve the Candida.

(Note about sugar: One way that doctors can identify cancer cells is by the amount of glucose a cell consumes. Apparently, cancer cells also require more sugar!)

Chemical sensitivity also develops when the immune system is not functioning properly. Examples may be severe reactions to fragrances, petrochemical products, pollution, treated fabrics and preservatives along with many other chemicals in our environment.

Air purifiers that have a filter made with coconut shell carbon and zeolite can provide dramatic relief and create a less reactive place inside the home.

Eliminating household chemical cleaners, pesticides, lawn care chemicals and body care products and replacing them with healthier alternatives is extremely helpful and easy to do.

But remember, with the right nourishment, the body can heal itself, resist disease and fend off toxins much more easily. Pharmaceuticals and air purifiers may provide relief, but do not solve the problem.

Rebuilding the body’s immune system can bring lasting results.

Recipe for creating health:

Concentrate on creating health.

Start with the colon. Add fiber to the diet, cut out processed food, sugar, and high glycemic carbohydrates. Do not use artificial sugar… use Stevia instead. Stevia is an herbal supplement that is very sweet, works well as a sugar substitute and is actually health promoting.

Drink lots of water, plain clean water. Water is so effective at eliminating toxins from the body, cleaning out the sinuses, and rinsing away cellular waste. It is a wonderful energy booster too. Other liquids do not make up for water. One cup of coffee results in the need for more water because caffeine is a diuretic and lowers the body’s water reserves. Hunger pains may actually be the body’s need for water. Water helps eliminate body fat and promote lean body tissue.

For extra support in allergy season, 8 to 10 glasses of water every single day will be helpful in reducing inflammation in the sinuses, preventing headaches and thinning mucus.

Eat lots of cultured vegetables, kefir, and drink probiotic liquids every day to support colon health, rebalance the yeast overgrowth and support the immune system. (Candida can live in the sinuses, along with other parts of the body, interfering as it grows.)

Eliminate soy (it can suppress thyroid function) and cook with coconut oil. Coconut oil and whole fat coconut milk is antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. It supports the thyroid, fights Candida and boosts the immune system.

Daily intake of cod liver oil, that is free from soy or synthetic ingredients, helps support certain hormones in the body that are a factor in controlling allergic reactions.

Try to eat only organic food. Fats, like butter, contain vitamin A, which is very helpful for the respiratory system.

Nutrition for healing the body…it just makes sense.

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