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Bed Bugs – Breathe your Last Breath

Bed bugs had become serious issue during medieval and Aristotle times and their number grow so rapidly that 60 out of 100 homes have bed bugs. These tiny creatures often move and attack when its host is sleeping.

Bed bugs are scientifically called “Cimex lectularius”, Bed bugs are about 4 mm in length that cannot be seen with bare eye. They are brownish in color. They have very thin body that can squeeze and fit to any crevice and cracks in home. They do not have wings and used to crawl. Bed bugs are reported as fast moving insect.

It is commonly said that bed bugs originated from Asia and spread all over the world. Bed bugs are usually live and breed on warm and dry climate. But they are also present in northern regions of the world because of abundance of building there as the proliferation of buildings generates heat.

The size and color of bed bugs changes during nymph to young stages. The adult bed bugs are 1/4 to 3/8 cm in length. Size increases significantly after sucking its host’s blood and also nymph became adult in a month, depending upon availability of favorable conditions. After molting stage nymph and adult bed bugs change to yellow color.

Bed bugs do not cause any fatal disease. They only come out when they are hungry. The warmth of their host also encourages them to come out and have a meal.

Moreover, they also suck blood with the help of their very good developed mouth parts. They suck blood for one to seven minutes leaving itching and swelling at that place. There appear large wheal at affected part which ultimately converted in to red spot that will end in three to four days.

An adult has an ability to absorb blood seven times more than its body weight. It is interesting that bed bugs go back to their hiding place to lay eggs as soon as they finished eating.

Bed bugs mostly attack on exposed areas of body like face, neck and arms. The wheals produced by bed bugs bite are different to mosquito bite. In order to avoid infection, it is advised that do not scratch the wound and wash effected area with antibacterial soap.

To make your life comfortable it is important to get rid of bed bugs. No doubt it is difficult to deal with bed bugs spread in beds, suitcases, second hand furniture etc. In past, people used DDT to control bed bugs. But its use was forbidden due to its adverse effects on humans.

Pest control authorities have developed pesticides, aerosols and many other chemical medications to get rid of bed bugs. Old furniture especially bed should be replaced with new one. Regular vacuuming of carpets also minimizes bed bugs. Moreover, keeping good hygienic conditions is most vital discourage bed bugs to spread and distributes.

In short, in order to avoid unwelcome guests, bed bugs, keep your home neat and clean and use pesticides at regular intervals. All these remedies ensure peaceful life, free of bed bugs.

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