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Facts Behind “Don’t allow Bed Bugs to Bite”

Bed bugs are blood sucking insects and can play villain’s role in ones life quite easily. Because they do not need any welcome from people before infesting their homes. These unwanted parasites habitually live in warm environments of your house such as carpets, beds, furniture draperies and couches. These small parasitic insects live on blood of flea but prefer to feed on human blood. read more

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The Power of Touch and the Benefit of Scents

The etymology of the word massage can be traced back to the Greek word “massein” which loosely translated means “to knead”. In our hectic, fast paced lifestyle, the massage has become a thing of luxury and indulgence. However, in as far back as the ancient times and ancient civilizations of the Greeks, Persians and Chinese, the massage has been used a medicinal treatment for common ailments. It was mostly used though as preventive medicine and was given a sublime or spiritual association. read more

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5 Tips To Improved Skin Care

Your skin is the first thing that people notice about you and that is why a proper skin care regimen is so important. There are many products that claim to help improve skin tone and promote a flawless complexion, but the truth is that there is no such thing as instant results. An effective skin care regimen is one that is done consistently over a time before results will begin to develop. read more

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Anabolic Steroids Are Muscle Building Steroids

Anabolic means muscle-building, androgenic means masculine growth, and Steroids refer to the class of drugs. It means that anabolic steroids are androgenic steroids. They are often referred to as AAS (androgenic anabolic steroids) in the medical terms. AA Steroids play catalystic role in anabolism, which is the metabolic process that builds larger molecules from smaller ones. read more

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The benefits of aromatherapy through aromatherapy diffuser

The term “aromatherapy” was first heard from the lips of Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist who discovered the healing method in the 1920s. Referred to as the practice of using aromatherapy essential oils derived from different parts of certain plants in a healing process, aromatherapy has become one of the common practices of people in relieving physical and psychological pains. read more

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Don’t infest your homes with Bedbugs

The greatest enemy of your sweet sleep stays right there with you to attack in the darkness of night. Yes! The bedbug that concentrate in the corners of bed and attack after you fall asleep. Their presence is not attached to old, damp houses and rusty beds, even beds in luxury hotels can have these insects that feed on human blood. Bedbugs usually come out of their habitats at night and lay eggs in clothes and old furniture. Before sleeping on hotel beds you must ensure that you are not sleeping with these little vampires that can actually invade your home beds once they make you their prey. read more