Tiny reddish-brown parasites called Cimex lectularius , usually known as bedbugs, feed on blood of animals and humans. In 40’s and 50’s, pesticides were used frequently that caused the eradication of these bugs from America. But later invention of more focused pesticides (to kill only one type of insects) proved to be ineffective for bedbugs. Moreover the emigrants from other continents became the reason of revival of these parasites. Americans travelling abroad to such bedbugs inhabited areas brought these back to US.
Category: Health & Fitness
Acid Reflux Drugs and Antacids Are Killing You
Doctors and Pharmaceutical giants know that their drugs and antacids do not cure heartburn or acid reflux. They have known for a long time that their drugs simply suppress the condition and continue the cycle of heartburn, acid reflux, and drugs. If you have fallen prey to this medical cycle, for sure you are headed toward serious malnutrition. The inability to feed your body the nutrients it needs will result in the diseases that you now see in most elderly people.
Are You Having A Heart Attack?
Heart attacks come in all sizes, from minor to major, and the symptoms of a pending heart attack can be deceiving in many cases. Some symptoms of a pending heart attack may have been showing up for quite awhile and were ignored as something else.
Allergy Medicine
As reaction on certain substances in the food which you eat, mostly protein, your immune system produces antibodies which are cause of allergy.
The first symptoms of allergy do not occur at the beginning of exposing to the allergen. First at the beginning, immune system misidentifies allergens which are not harmful as some substances which are contained in disease. First signals are influencing on producing antibodies by immunological system, which are destroying these allergens. These antibodies are also known as IgE immunoglobulin E.
Proven Techniques for Lower Back Pain Relief
All anyone needs to do is walk down an aisle in a drugstore to see how many products exist for lower back pain relief. As one might guess, there are so many products available to buy today because there are so many people suffering from lower back pain. The amount of people living with lower back pain is staggering. It’s one of the most common complaints doctors deal with every day, in every doctor’s office and hospital. Everyone is looking for ways to find relief for the lower back pain they experience.
About Acne, its Types & Symptoms
What is Acne?
Acne is a chronic disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Some of the characteristics of acne include black heads, pimples, cysts, infected abscesses, and rarely scarring. Acne usually occurs during adolescence in both men and women. To be more specific, acne starts during puberty and tends to get worse for people with oily skin. Acne badly affects teenage boys. Only mild to moderate forms of acne occur in middle-aged women. Acne can be seen most commonly on the face. The other places where it can occur include the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms and legs. Most forms of acne are the result of heredity and hormonal problems and has nothing to do with a harmful diet or poor hygiene.
Colon Cleanser FAQ
Since there are many people are not sure about colon cleansing, such as effectively employing a particular method. Here are the frequently asked questions that might help you to get the information you need.
How to Manage Chronic Osteoporosis Pain
Osteoporosis pain usually comes in the form of painful fractures, which can take a number of months to heal. Often, the pain goes away as the fracture heals. New fractures tend to heal in about three months. Osteoporosis pain that continues after that time period is generally considered chronic pain.
7 Reasons Why Your Muscles Stop Growing. How To Get Muscle To Grow Again
Have ever wondered why your muscles stopped growing after a few months of training even though you are training very hard? Here are 7 reasons why your muscles stopped growing and how to get your muscle to grow again.
5 Reasons To Keep Your Beauty Salon Reservation
Life is hectic; it’s true. There are so many things that demand your time and attention. Between work, kids, family and household chores, there is precious little time left over for you. So, it is completely understandable why things like salon reservations get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the “to do” list where your next hair trim belongs?