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Fertility and Well Baby – Case Histories

There are two events in my life that solidify my faith in the power of

nutrition.These monuments will forever bring me backto that core belief that each of us has theability to control who we are, what we choose to think, and

what we choose to do with our health.

My family has an inherent weakness in the area of hormonal balance. I have three aunts who were unable to bear children; my sister has been unable to conceive, even after trying fertility drugs and lazer surgery; and I had surgery years ago to enable me to have the children I longed for. At this time, my surgery was called a ‘wedge resection’ and served to surgically remove a pie shaped section of each ovary so that the egg could

penetrate the ovarian walls that had become thickened from fibroid cysts.

With this history in mind, I was not surprised when my daughter, Morgan, did not menstruate. From the tender age of sixteen, her OB/GYN induced menstrual periods with the use of birth control pills. Morgan detested this, and would put it off as long as possible. The forced menstruation was debilitating, with agonizing cramps and heavy bleeding. Her doctor had also told Morgan that it was unlikely she would ever have children.

I began looking for an answer which would help Morgan to achieve a period

naturally.I encouraged her to begin a program of pau d’arco, essiac tea, and shark cartilage to help dissolve the cysts on her ovaries. She also included a combination of female corrective herbs which included red raspberry, alfalfa, dong quai, blessed thistle, and black cohosh to target her reproductive system. Along with this, Morgan took a combination of herbs to strengthen the entire endocrine system; particularly the pituitary gland which is the master conductor for our endocrine system. Within three months Morgan began normal periods, without the heavy cramping and bleeding that was a side effect of the birth control pills. She had mixed feelings about this; because she admitted to enjoying the freedom of not having to deal with menstruation for the better portion of each year.

At this point it seemed the victory was won. Another point scored for the incredible power of herbs to return the body to homeostasis. However, both my daughter and I had naively stopped short in realizing that this restored balance could presage further events.

When Morgan announced her pregnancy, my jaw dropped. Her husband, who had learned to accept their lives as being childless, seemed dazed. This baffled look he wore seemed plastered to his countenance from that day until the day their daughter, Sierra, was born. I will never forget the glorious moment when the doctor held up the newborn and announced, “This is the healthiest looking baby I’ve seen in a long time.”

About this same time, my daughter-in-law was expecting her first child. Wendy’s doctor sent her to a High-Risk Specialist after the ultra sound revealed only two channels in the umbilical cord, rather than three. Two channels are meant to deliver nutrients to the fetus and one carries waste out of the womb. The doctor explained their concern that the baby could be born with Down’s Syndrome, but would definitely be undersized, due to the missing umbilical channel. Wendy was monitored closely with frequent ultra-sounds as well as comparative measurements taken of the baby’s head growth.

We knew it was imperative to get as much nutrition as possible through that single channel. Wendy began taking raspberry leaf herb, alfalfa, kelp, and dandelion. The alfalfa was taken in concentrated form as this herb directly feeds the pituitary gland, which in turn promotes growth. Wendy was faithful in taking her supplements throughout her entire pregnancy.

I had the good fortune to be present at this granddaughter’s birth also. The delivery room was filled with no less than eight hospital personnel as the time approached for the baby’s birth. The staff were solicitous and kind; and they were fully prepared for a preemie. When Wendy was in transition, and barely aware of comments around her, one of the doctors said to staff, “We don’t expect the baby to be over five pounds.” I stood on the side, with my son’s mother-in-law, waiting anxiously as a chorus of medical students, nurses, and doctors chanted in unison, “push, push, push”. Each time

the baby’s head crowned, we held our breaths, and then the tiny wet head would disappear. Again the chorus…..”push, push, push”. Finally that triumphant moment came when the baby slipped out and everyone heaved a sigh of relief, and a shout of exhilaration. Everyone feels as though they have somehow participated in, and not just observed, a miraculous event.

Kaitlynn was born, and she weighed a glorious 7.6 pounds, had perfect color, and was strong and healthy in every way. The hospital preparations for an undersized, undernourished baby were not needed. The comments around the room were, “Maybe there were three channels after all.” So a portion of the umbilical cord was taken to the lab to be analyzed. The result showed that, indeed, only two channels had been present.

Two beautiful granddaughters. Uncertain beginnings…but with the help of proper nutrition, and positive thinking…..two very precious gifts.

The information in this article is intended for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or

replace medical treatment.

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