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Graffiti Stenciling: An Art Of Ideas

People have different ways of expressing themselves. Some people sit at a corner and cry their heart out if they are depressed. Other people become silent when they are in a depressed state. When people are happy, they tend to be overjoyed and tell the world of their happiness. People have different personalities that they have their own way of expressing themselves. Doing an art work is one way of expressing feelings like depression and happiness. Stenciling is a form of art where people can express themselves by doing their own designs.

Stenciling traces backs it’ roots to the era of the caveman where no technology was present. The cavemen must have used the natural resources afforded to him by mother earth. Hand stencils and evidences of leaves stencils were discovered in certain areas and dated back to this period. More than just doodling on the caves and leaves, the early stencil patterns are patterns that helped archaeologists and historians in determining important facts about the life in the Prehistoric Era.

Stenciling has proliferated in many different countries and has taken different forms. One form of stenciling is stenciling graffiti. When people hear the word graffiti, their common notion is that it is vandalism and it is against the law. Nonetheless, stencil graffiti has established its name as an art and has a big following.

This kind of stenciling utilizes paper, cardboard and other things to produce a picture or words that are reproduced easily. After drawing a design in the medium, the design is cut out and moved to a facade by using spray paint or roll on paint. Here are few things to consider when you are thinking of doing a graffiti stencil.

1.) Think of your purpose and motivation in doing the stencil graffiti. Understand your motivation so that you will have more expression and more emotion in your graffiti.

2.) Select a method to make stencil designs.

3.) Think of an image that will best represent your thoughts.

Stencil graffiti artists are people who represent their thoughts, emotions and principles. Oftentimes, people who use stencils in doing graffiti comes form the various social institutions. These institutions include the education, church and even the government. Activists and radicals use this form of stenciling to convey their ideas and protests. With the use of graffiti, people might be attracted to join in their advocacies and campaigns.

Stenciling graffiti have become a sub culture in most parts of the world. It is highly recognized as a form of art. Nonetheless, there are still countries which prohibit this stenciling art because they consider it as vandalism.

Stenciling art is not merely an art that expresses messages, ideologies and principles but it is more of calling the attention of others to the issues of their country. Graffiti are seen in streets and walls in different countries. Some government prohibits this art because of the messages that are written in the walls.

Stenciling graffiti is a very powerful medium where activists and nationalists alike can voice out their opinions. It is a good way to call the attention of the government or some organization. Most of stenciled graffiti talk about change. Most graffiti artists are also against the government and wants reform.

Nonetheless, it is safe to say that stenciling graffiti is not merely an art but rather a catalyst for change.

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