One of the more common treatments for high blood pressure are ACE inhibitors. When your kidneys detect low blood pressure, they release an enzyme called renin, which stimulates the formation of a protein called angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is then converted by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the lungs to a very potent chemical called angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a powerful blood vessel constrictor that causes muscles surrounding the blood vessels to contract, resulting in narrowing of the blood vessels. This narrowing of the vessels increases pressure in the vessels and can result in high blood pressure .
The ACE Inhibitors block the action of the angiotensin-converting enzyme in the lungs so that angiotensin I is not converted into angiotensin II. This allows blood vessels to remain widened, which results in lowering of the blood pressure. ARBs block the action of angiotensin II itself, so that vessels dilate, making it easier for the heart to pump blood, and results in lower blood pressure .
The natural bioactive casein hydrolysate tripeptides in Melaleuca’s ProStolic act as a natural blocker to the formation of angiotensin II. Also included in this proprietary blend is pomegranate juice powder, which inhibits activity of the angiotensin-converting enzyme as well. A third ingredient is passionflower extract. Although researchers don’t know exactly how passionflower works, they believe that flavonoid and alkaloid compounds in the plant regulate the neurotransmitters in your nervous system that reduce anxiety. One of these flavonoids in particular, chrysin, helps to calm your central nervous system and lower your blood pressure.
Combined with the proprietary blend of tripeptides, pomegranate juice powder and passion flower extract, ProStolic also contains potassium and calcium to provide a well-rounded natural remedy to help promote healthy blood flow and naturally maintain healthy blood pressure, but without the side effects so common with medications.
Tripeptides are formed when milk casein is broken down into smaller pieces. Several different peptides have been studied, but a significant amount of research has determined that the tripeptides Isoleucine-Proline-Proline (IPP) and Valine-Proline-Proline (VPP) have the most supportive evidence for their efficacy, safety and bioavailability The natural bioactive hydrolyzed casein (a combination of tripeptides IPP and VPP) is an active ingredient included in the proprietary blend in Melaleuca’s ProStolic. These tripeptides are derived from nonfat milk casein, and have been clinically proven to help maintain healthy blood pressure. Most studies show that blood pressure is lower after 2 weeks of daily consumption of IPP and VPP, and reach a stable level after 4-6 weeks.
Like the mechanism of action of the commonly prescribed ACE Inhibitors, the natural action of tripeptides block the formation of Angiotensin II, which normally causes the blood vessels to narrow. But that’s where the similarity ends. Studies show that IPP and VPP tripeptides accomplish the blockage of Angiotensin II without the side effects so common in ACE and ARB medications. In 2001, an 8-week placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted on 30 people with mild or moderate hypertension. Results of the study showed a significant decrease in blood pressure of IPP and VPP test subjects, but no change was seen in the placebo group. In addition, no adverse reactions such as dry cough, digestive tract symptoms or abnormal changes were observed.
Over 20 human clinical trials have been conducted with the IPP and VPP peptides over the past 10 years and more than 10 double-blind clinical studies have been conducted on the particular formulation of tripeptides used in Melaleuca’s proprietary blend. A 1996 placebo-controlled study on the blood pressure of 30 elderly hypertensive patients, most of whom were taking antihypertensive medication, showed a significant decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after 4 and 8 weeks, but no significant changes were observed in the placebo group.
A British Journal of Nutrition article reported a single blinded, placebo controlled study of 131 people with high-normal blood pressure or mild hypertension to determine the efficacy of hydrolyzed casein containing IPP and VPP in reducing blood pressure. The authors concluded that these peptides could assist in the prevention of hypertension in people with blood pressure that is above normal.
Melaleuca’s Prostolic also contains other natural hypertension treatments including pomegranate juice, passion flower, potassium and calcium. All the benefits of these natural ingredients will be discussed in Natural Therapy for Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure Part 3.