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Stenciling: Great For Any Home Decorating Project

Stenciling is one of the most popular trends in home decorating these days. Not only because it is fun and easy to do but also it is limitless when it comes to using one’s creative imagination. Anyone can actually do stenciling, as long as he or she has good imagination and knows how to follow simple instructions. Now, if you think you have that creative skill in you, why not choose stencil designs for your home decorating project? Take note, you don’t have to be an artist to create really cool designs on your walls and furniture. All you need is time, effort, patience, resources, and of course creativity to make your home decorating project a success.

First off, ask yourself, where do you want to use the stencil design? Is it for your walls? For your furniture? For glass such as your mirrors and windows? Or for all mentioned? If it is for your walls, you have to make sure that the color you choose for your stencils will match that of the wall. You can make use large patterns or repeat the same pattern over and over, as long as the effect on your wall is great. Now, if it is for glass, you have to carefully consider the paint that you’ll use. Keep in mind that there are paints which are easily washed off. For sure, you don’t want to lose that paint overnight. So, make sure that you get the one that lasts on glass material.

Second, there are lots of options as far as patterns and designs are concerned. So, before making any purchase, see to it that you already have a plan in mind. Answer these questions, “What do I want for my home decorating project? Do I want to make it more personalized? Or do I simply want it to be just like any other home?” When you go to craft shops and home improvement stores or if you go online, you can find patterns and designs which are often used in home decorating projects. However, these are not personalized; so if you really want to be unique, might as well create your own stencil designs. By simply using a pattern from a wallpaper or drapery fabric that you chose for your room, you can trace it and create your own design.

Lastly, get stencil design ideas from home improvement magazines, books, and online. This step will help you a lot in determining which will look best for your kids’ room, living room, dining, kitchen, and even the study room. Design ideas can range from small pictures, body size pictures, and words or famous quotes.

Stenciling is really great for any home decorating project. Although it is fun and easy to do, still it is important that you do a little planning and preparation to make it successful. And to ensure great results, why not do a little research first to enhance your knowledge about stenciling? Through research, you will learn the right paint to use, the kinds of brushes, and of course the correct way of transferring the design. And if you know someone who has knowledge about stenciling, your neighbor for example, ask for advice or tips.

You’ll see, by doing all these, you are off to giving your home the look that you and your family will surely love.

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