Stenciling is a very arduous task. It requires a lot of hard work and determination. It also requires concentration and focus. Unlike other art forms, stenciling is a very personal art form where in an individual get to choose his or her design and make her own design too. It is a hobby that can help in the bonding of families and friends.
Stenciling started with the stenciled patterns in caves. It proliferated with the advancements and initiatives of Japanese and Chinese. Other cultures like the Europeans and Romans helped in the spreading of the art form.
There are many types of stenciling. These types include wall stenciling, graffiti stenciling and furniture stenciling. Stenciling is used in decorating and expressing yourself. An individual must have a broad knowledge about stenciling before doing a project. Here are some tips that can help in ensuring a quality project.
1.) Use a proficient tool choose your equipment carefully. Brushes for stenciling have short and firm bristles. They are also round. These characteristics of the brushes will prevent paint from seeping into the edges of the stencil. Other equipment recommended are sponge and small roller.
2.) Start working from the outside towards the middle. This method will stop
the paint from seeping under the edges.
3.) Don’t put too much paint in the brush. This will create a messy output. Dip the brush into the paint lightly. Dab the brush with a piece of paper or cloth if there is an excess of paint.
4.) Apply coats individually. Dry the first coating first before applying the second one. Apply paints thinly. It is better to have a first and second coating than a thick one.
5.) Tape the stencil to avoid it from slipping down or to avoid spaces between the stencil and the surface. Tapes with low tacks are the best materials to use for this procedure.
6.) Use colors to make your stencil design beautiful. Cover the areas with tape when you don’t want them to be included in a particular color that you are applying.
7.) Practice everyday. Practice applying the paint and using your brush. Study your design carefully and practice it in other surfaces.
8.) X-rated stencils. These x-rays are the best for stencil cutting. Treasure them.
9.) Clean regularly. Clean the surfaces where you will work. Clean the brushes that you will use. Cut your stencil cleanly. Keep your stencil free from any paint. Paint in the edges will damage the outcome of your design. Clean your brushes in between applying of different coating. After cleaning your brushes and stencil, let them dry before using them again.
10.) Keep the stencils flat. Put it between two pieces of cardboard, book or anything that will hold the design flat.
These are some of the things that one must remember before doing a stencil project. There are still other things to do but these ten tips are the most fundamental and basic things to do. There are also some traits that one must possess before he will be ready to do a project.
Stenciling is a great art. It gives the artist a lot of choice when it comes to design, equipment and materials. Yet, it is only great if you perfect the art and spend time learning about it.