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You Can Recover From Chemical Sensitivities And Allergies

I used to have severe reactions to fragrances and many other chemicals in our air. I was practically allergic to everything, including lots of foods and pollen. For a while there, I was housebound.

First, I bought an air purifier that had a filter made with coconut shell carbon and zeolite. It helped dramatically. I filtered my water for drinking and bathing too.

Next, I eliminated household chemical cleaners, pesticides, all lawn care chemicals and replaced with healthier alternatives. I found natural body care products.

Then, I realized that chemical sensitivities are developed because the immune system is being compromised. I had to start from there and rebuild it with food.

If you give anything the right nourishment, it will naturally heal itself, be able to resist disease and fend off toxins much more easily.

No drug or chemical will do that for you. Even if pharmaceuticals give you relief, until you rebuild your immune system, you will just continue to develop other problems. You have to do this the old fashioned way.

My old fashioned recipe for creating health:

Try to stop focusing on the disease and concentrate on creating health.

Start with your colon. Take fiber, cut out processed food, sugar, and high glycemic carbohydrates. NO artificial sugar… use Stevia. Drink lots of water, plain clean water.

Eat lots of cultured vegetables, kefir and drink probiotic liquids every day. Get rid of all soy, eat and cook with coconut oil and take cod liver oil free from soy or synthetic ingredients. All organic vegetables, butter, protein etc……..and so on.

It worked. I am 98% better. Most, if not all of my pollen and food allergies are gone as well. Physically, I am getting stronger than I ever imagined. I have my life back.

Concentrate on creating health instead of analyzing the disease or the chemical toxin. Until you work on the real problem, your immune system, more health issues will just come knocking on your door. Eating nourishing foods and concentrating on health, instead of the disease, are my solutions.

You can recover your health and be strong again. I am living proof.

Beverly Hartsfield

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