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5 Things to Know About the Canon EOS A2E

There are plenty of options for those who are looking for original SLR cameras. These cameras were created before the digital SLR cameras that have completely taken over the SLR market. Companies like Canon stopped creating regular SLR cameras when they realized that everything could be done digitally.

If you are looking for a good SLR camera you should work to understand as much as you can about specific models. There are five main things to know about the Canon EOS A2E SLR camera, one of the most well-known and revered cameras in the Canon EOS collection.

It Was Replaced

The EOS A2E was known as the Canon EOS 5 in other countries. If you are looking for this specific camera you should search for it under both names.

It is important to know that the A2E, while known for being a quality camera, was replaced. The camera was released in 1992, but was replaced in 1998 by the Canon EOS 3. Luckily, the EOS 3 was sold up until 2007, making it easier to find than the A2E.

Was A Professional Camera

Your A2E was known for being a quality camera, and was listed as a semi-professional camera. The camera managed to catch the eye of many professional photographers, however, because of the different features that it provided. The cost was backed up by various modes and quality specifications, including the metering modes and the shutter speed (30 sec to 1/8000 of a second).

Eye Controlled Focusing

The Canon A2E featured the eye-controlled focus found on other Canon EOS models. This eye controlled focusing feature was unique to Canon at one point, providing the camera with an interesting and helpful way to focus. The technology followed the eyes of the user to find the right focus for the picture.


* Eye controlled focusing
* 16 zone evaluative metering
* 1 six volt battery
* Varying shutter speeds (as mentioned above)
* Weight 675 gram or 1.5 pounds

Finding the Camera

Those who are looking for the A2E need to look for specialty camera shops. These camera shops work to acquire cameras that are no longer created. Look for a camera that is in good shape and can still operate fully and completely; ask to take a few test shots to understand the quality of the photos that the camera can produce.

You simply need to look into as many different kinds of SLR cameras as possible to find the right camera for your needs. It may be harder for you to find the camera that you are looking for, as the camera is not made anymore. Take the time to think about the Canon EOS A2E camera and whether or not it is the camera that you need for your photography needs. If it is, you can then go through the process of trying to locate and purchase the camera.

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