This running program consist of three main parts, first fat burning this program will for sure burn fat. Second endurance you will have a much better breathing pattern during and after this workout over the next 30 days. Third, the shape of your body will change regardless of whatever it looks like now, after 30 days you will see a noticeable difference. Everyday is a 30 minute workout to be complete 4 – 6 times per week. So you will need a stopwatch or a watch if you miss more than three days per week you will need to go back and repeat that week. But whatever you do do not give up.
DAY #1 Though DAY #4
#1) Walk for five minutes, and then jog for 1 minute
#2) walk for five minutes, and then jog for two minutes
#3) walk for five minutes, and then jog for two minutes
#4) walk for four minutes, and then SPRINT for 8 seconds
#5 walk for two minutes to cool down.
DAY 5 Through DAY 9
#1) walk for four minutes, and then jog for two minutes
#2) walk for four minutes, and then jog for three minutes
#3) walk for three minutes, and then jog for three minutes
#4) walk for three minutes, and then jog for three minutes
#5) walk for two minutes, and then SPRINT for 10 seconds
#6) walk three minutes for cool down.
DAY 10 Through DAY 13
#1) walk for three minutes, then jog for three minutes
#2) walk for two minutes, then SPRINT for 15 seconds
#3) walk for two minutes, then SPRINT for 15 seconds
#4) walk for two minutes, then SPRINT for 10 seconds
#5) walk for two minutes, then SPRINT for 10 seconds
#6) walk for two minutes, then jog for three minutes
#7) walk for two minutes, then jog for three minutes
#8) walk for two minutes, then jog for two minutes
#9) walk two minutes for cool down
DAY 14 Through DAY 17
#1) walk for three minutes, then jog for six minutes
#2) walk for three minutes, then jog for four minutes
#3) walk for two minutes, then jog for three minutes
#4) walk for two minutes, then jog for three minutes
#5) walk for one minute, then jog for one minute
#6) walk for two minute cool down
DAY 18 Through 21
#1) walk for three minutes, then jog for eight minutes
#2) walk for three minutes, then jog for six minutes
#3) walk for three minutes, then SPRINT for 15 seconds
#4) walk for two minutes, then SPRINTS for 15 seconds
#5) walk for two minutes, then SPRINT for 10 seconds
#6) walk for two minute cool down
DAY 22 Through 24
#1) walk for two minutes, then jog for ten minutes
#2) walk for two minutes, then jog for eight minutes
#3) walk for one minutes, then jog for two minutes
#4) walk for one minute, then jog for one minute
#5) walk for two minutes cool down
#1) walk for one minute, then jog for sixteen minutes
#2) walk for two minutes, then jog for ten minutes
#3) walk for as long as you need for cool down
DAY 27 AND 28
#1) walk for one minute, then jog for twenty minutes
#2) walk for two minutes, then SPRINT for 15 seconds
#3) walk for one minute, then SPRINT for 15 seconds
#4) walk for one minute, then jog for three minutes
#5) walk for two minutes for cool down
DAY 29
JOG FOR 30 STRAIGHT MINUTES EASY do not over do it just a nice easy pace.
DAY 30
Dale Dupree Brown, Copywrite (7) 2007
Former pro boxer and Delaware state champion, who enjoys helping others obtain their goals in any sport, or personal activities. He have trained many atheltes from track, football, boxing and have always enjoyed it. Anyone who desires their own personal daily workout plan can join our membership a or email me at include your age, height, weight, and your desires, and date you plan to reach your desires.