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Acne Removal Tips for Men To Tone Up Complexion

Acne affects people irrespective of their sex. Men lack the knowledge to deal with acne than women, as skincare, beauty regimen and acne removal products is widely used by the fairer sex and thousands of beauty products are available for them. Hence, very useful tips are given under for the men folk:

Either your wife or girl friend can provide some valuable tips on skin care and products used for taking care of acne. A visit to the skin doctor might also be very helpful in combating acne and to prevent breakouts of acne.

Before shaving off the facial hair, it is advised to use a clean, warm cloth soaked in warm water to soften the skin and the facial hair. It removes dead skin cells if any blocking the pores, thus acting as an exfoliator and also makes the skin smoother. There is a less chance of nicking any existing acne.

If the person has to work exposing his skin to the sun or play games under the sun, use of a strong sun block cream will help from tanning and also slow downs the aging process, without which he might be very much vulnerable to skin lesions, scars and acne. While using a sun block it should be checked for non-comedogenic or the one which doesn’t block the pores.

Consumption of alcohol might result in poor blood circulation, make the skin look old and might also delay the skin’s healing abilities on its own particularly when the person is suffering from acne or skin lesions. Smoking also might be delirious to the skin and make the skin susceptible to acne and related conditions.

To avoid acne and to keep the skin look younger, it is good to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, antioxidant rich vitamins like the vitamin a and c can help in the prevention of acne and other infections. Mild exercises like stretching and walking improves the circulation of blood and helps to fight against acne. Exercise also relieves stress in one way and this property helps to prevent acne.

If the men already have acne scars, that too is treatable nowadays, as the science has enabled hide or rectify acne scars through either steroids injections, or through the application of chemical peels on the scarred tissue and is used when the condition is not severe. The chemical peels, help in the growth of new and healthier skin on the affected area, hence rectifying the problem. For extreme conditions plastic surgery may be advisable.

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