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Acne Scar Removal Tips

While acne does affect about 90% of adolescents, only a small majority of those affected are left with scars. However, those who are left with scars often look for acne scar removal methods that work to remove or diminish the scars. Fortunately, there are many options available for acne scar removal.

Acne scar removal can be by dermabrasion. This is a process where the top layers of the skin are removed with the use of a machine that literally abrades the skin. While dermabrasion does give your skin a smoother appearance, it is not 100% effective for acne scar removal.

Chemical peels are another option for acne scar removal. This works much the same as dermabrasion, but instead of machinery, chemicals are used to remove the top layer of skin. Again, this is not 100% effective for acne scar removal, but it does give the skin a smoother appearance.

Another technique for acne scar removal is collagen injections. Collagen injections are often used to treat wrinkles, scars, and lines. Injections can be expensive, and will need to be repeated on a regular basis. This is another acne scar removal technique that doesn’t actually remove the scars. It really just hides them.

A drastic acne scar removal procedure is Autologous Fat Transfer. This is a process where fat is removed from other parts of your body, and injected back into your skin. It doesn’t remove scars. Instead, it fills up depressions, such as those that are characteristic of acne scars. Again, this is a drastic acne scar removal method, and the process will need to be repeated as the fat is absorbed into the body.

Another drastic acne scar removal technique is punch grafts. This is a process where small skin grafts are taken and used to replace scarred skin. This acne scar removal technique is usually used to remove deep acne scars.

The newest – and seemingly most effective – acne scar removal technique is Laser Skin Resurfacing. This is a process where the acne scarred skin is gently vaporized, with the use of a laser. Once the damaged skin is vaporized, the new – unscarred – skin underneath is visible. Local anesthesia is given for small areas, but for full face acne scar removal, the person is usually sedated with anesthesia administered through an I.V by an anesthesiologist.

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