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Allergy Medicine

As reaction on certain substances in the food which you eat, mostly protein, your immune system produces antibodies which are cause of allergy.

The first symptoms of allergy do not occur at the beginning of exposing to the allergen. First at the beginning, immune system misidentifies allergens which are not harmful as some substances which are contained in disease. First signals are influencing on producing antibodies by immunological system, which are destroying these allergens. These antibodies are also known as IgE immunoglobulin E.

So, first time of exposing to the allergen, will not cause symptoms as it will second or other time. This means that when you next time expose to the allergen, you may feel auto-reaction of your immune system with producing IgE antibodies. These antibodies are bounding to the allergen and after their first bounding they are circulating through the body and meeting with cell’s types known as basil cells and mast cells. They are important members in inflammation and contain chemical substances known as histamine. This histamine are very important for inflammation, too.

Connection of IgE antibodies and allergens that are attached with basil cells as well as with mast cells too, making changing cell membranes, which is cause of substance’s leaking out into the tissue’s surrounding. As results of this, it comes to the one of the most common symptoms of allergy which is called inflammation.

Every person affect different on allergy. So, there are people who may get food allergies, caused by food, or better said with substances contained in the food which they eat. But, there are and other allergies, so it may comes to the allergic reactions to the person form the air, which they are breathing, such as allergies on the dust, mites, pollen or other. Still, reactions on each type of allergies are same. The most common symptoms of allergy are:

Problem with nose and itch caused with running of it

Problem with eyes such as: watery and read eyes

Itch in the areas of nose, roof of mouth and eyes

Stuffy nose, caused with sneezing

Pressure in the face, especially in area of cheeks and nose

Problem with breathing

Circles under the eyes, darken color

Skin rahes


Ear popping and fullness

In the worst situation death and anaphylaxis

The best solution for treating of allergy is to avoid reasons which are causes of it. This means that if you are, for example allergic to wheat, you should to avoid wheat food or products that contain what. Also, if you are allergic to the dust mites, try to keep your house free of dust, as much as it is possible or use air filters.

Still, the majority of the people who are suffering from allergies simply do not success in avoiding causes of their allergic. So, if it is very difficult to you, you may try allergy medicines. Here are few of them:

Antihistamines, intended to reducing of runny nose, itchiness and sneezing

Decongestants intended for stuffy nose

Cromolyn sodium intended as prevention of allergies

Nasal steroid sprays intended as help to reducing reaction of nasal tissues.

Though are eye drops as help to the itchiness of the eyes.

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