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Applied of kineziologiya – diagnostics is treatment the health

The human organism is capable of autoreduction and self-healing. Then why man constantly does be ill?

Because for including the processes of autoreduction and self-healing, is necessary satisfaction of the specified conditions:

it is correct to obtain information from the receptors, located on the skin (external receptors) and located on the internal organs, the vessels, the joints (internal receptors);

to rapidly conduct the obtained information to the control centers of nervous system;

control centers must correctly react and rapidly send order to the skeletal muscles and other systems;

to the obtained command, not only muscular system, but also other systems of organism (respiratory, vascular, endocrine) must rapidly and adequately react.


Or it will be incorrectly perceived by receptors.

Or it is incorrectly carry ouied to the control centers of nervous system.

Or to it incorrectly they will react by other systems.

Truly all diseases appear as a result of the disturbance of nervous system.

For example:

Infectious disease – reason in the infection. This not entirely so, reason in the fact that the infection not was rapidly identified and in proper time removed.

Injury – result of drop. This not entirely so, reason in the fact that the information about the emergent drop did not be able rapidly and to correct reach nervous system, and man did not have time to reduce the specific groups of muscles and to be grouped.

Inclination of body, the lift of gravity – reason for the rupture of disk. This not entirely so, simply with the fulfillment of this work not the reduction of muscles of the back (either incorrectly tension it was perceived by receptors, or is incorrectly carry ouied to the control centers of nervous system, or incorrectly to the signal they reacted muscle) was correctly perfected.

From these positions applied of kineziologiya – method of restoring the correct reaction of nervous system.

Because it possesses the possibility to estimate the state of the peripheral component of nervous system (excitability of reflex to the tension of separate skeletal muscle) and to reveal and to remove the reasons for the failure of the reaction of nervous system to the irritation.

Applied of kineziologiya – method of activating the processes to autoreduction and to self-healing restoration.

Because under the conditions for the clear work of nervous system organism can rapidly react to the irritation of receptors and send order to the skeletal muscles and other systems (respiratory, vascular, endocrine).

Applied of kineziologiya – method of restoring the health by the briefest way.

Because there is the possibility to evaluate any action on the organism from the position of biological feedback with the organism

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