If you think the bedbug is a phenomenon that is long gone, you need to think again. Even high class hotel beds can be infested with the brownish, oval, wingless bedbugs. Your own bed can have many bugs hidden inside it, either around the bed frame or in the cracks. These are little parasites that suck blood of warm blooded animals including humans and usually hunt for blood during night. From the history of bedbugs we can see that they first used to feed on birds like bats only but gradually they learned to respond to environment changes and started sucking human blood too. Bedbugs are found mostly in hotter regions like Florida and North America.
Although blood suction might sound horrible to you, but these parasites do not carry germs of contagious diseases like HIV and Hepatitis. Where mosquito bites can even cause death of a person by dengue germs, cimicosis (bedbug bites) can only cause itching and swelling of skin.
Bedbugs have two tiny tubes one of which contains a sedative due to which a person doesn’t feel an itching or piercing effect during cimicosis. Through the other tube, the bedbug sucks blood from the body of the host. The skin swells after some time and causes itching and burning effect and appears to be reddish. The itching caused by a bedbug bite sustains longer and is harsher than a mosquito bite. You can identify a cimicosis by this sign. If you rub the skin harder it will get infected making it even worse. Some bumps heal naturally if you just leave them for some time.
Wash the affected area with an antibacterial soap and apply cream suggested by your dermatologist. But this is a temporary remedy. You have to make sure that you wipe out these bugs from your bed, furniture and even from your home. Cleanliness can really prove to be effective and give special attention on the hygiene of hidden places like under bed frame, in cracks and holes and below mattress. Get rid of stacks of old papers, abandoned clothes and other waste items. If you’re staying in a hotel, make sure that you are not sleeping with these parasites. They are expert hitchhikers and can travel back with your luggage and clothes and can reside in your home bed and furniture, becoming your constant torment. A place with an influx of these bugs would have a strange sweet aroma produced by the secretions of bedbug glands.
One precautionary measure would be to apply insect-repellent formula on your skin that will keep these bugs from biting you at night. But proper inspection and preventive measures must be adopted as these bugs reproduce at high rates and can make your bed their permanent habitat. The females usually lay their eggs in small cracks and wooden crevices. Bugs hide in small dark places and can live there for almost a year without food. So stay safe and take services of a pest control company that can spray your house with an effective bug-control formula, which will eradicate this problem for longer period.