Is your headache killing you?
Or is your migraine draining the life out of you?
How would you like to permanently get rid of pain in a totally natural way?
No drug or medicine!
No doctor’s visits or operations!
No herbal medicine!
How about doing it by only changing few simple habits.
Let me explain
Actually, first let me tell you something about headaches and migraine.
Opposite to what you have probably heard, all headaches are actually a form of migraine. Headaches and migraine are caused by the same things and therefore the same methods will apply getting rid of “regular headaches” as permanently curing your migraine.
So what causes headaches and migraine?
It may sound complicated but is in fact very simple.
All migraine and headache attacks are triggered by something. There are literally thousands of headache and migraine triggers in your life causing you to get sick.
The migraine triggers can be
The food you eat
Stress or other tense emotions
Pollution around you
Or endless other things in your life
The triggers are so many; there is NO WAY to avoid them all.
But here comes the tricky part
The triggers add up.
And it’s not until they reach sudden level of intensity that you’re hit with a horrible migraine attack.
Think about it like an irritating day. Everything is going against you. Everybody seems to be getting on your nerves, either on purpose or not.
As this irritating day goes on, you get more and more frustrated.
But you don’t say anything. You keep your calm, even if you’re bursting up inside.
Now, in the end of the day all you can think about is getting home and away from everyone. To RELAX!
You didn’t blow off, you didn’t offend anybody and you can be proud of your self for that. But now, you want to be able to relax.
But as you walk up to your house, you cross your neighbor. And he says something very innocent, which normally would only give you slightest irritation (if that)
but today, you let him have it. You tell him and his whole family to go to you know where.
Your triggers finally set you over the limit!
Your migraine triggers work the same way.
One day a stressful situation will give you beaming headache and the next day, it won’t.
Today, you may be able to eat a whole chocolate cake but tomorrow, if other triggers are active, one bite of chocolate may cause you screaming pain.
It all depends on how high your migraine level is.
Just like when one small accident sets you off on a stressful day, a minor migraine trigger may set you off when other bigger are already working in your life.
So what’s going on if you’ve
headache on daily basis?
It’s quite simple
Then, you’re loaded with BIG migraine triggers every day. And these triggers will literally kill you if you don’t deal with them.
It’s like having someone nagging at you day out and day in; of course you’re always going to be irritated. The same thing happens if you’ve migraine triggers nagging at you day in and day out.
you’re going to have constant headache!
The only way out is to decrease the migraine triggers in your life to a level, so they won’t set you off into a horrible migraine or headache attack.
And here is the nice part!
Like I said before, there are literally thousands of migraine triggers in your life. Some are big and some are small. But the good news is; you don’t have to get rid of them all!
You only have to get rid of or at least lower the influence of the MAJOR triggers in your life. And you’ll never suffer from migraine again.
Let’s compare this to the irritated day
The two MAJOR irritation triggers may have been an unfair boss and maybe lets say rude telemarketer calling over and over again.
If it hadn’t been for these two MAJOR triggers, the rainy weather, the dry soda machine and the small words from the neighbor wouldn’t have gotten you frustrated.
In the same way, by getting rid of the MAJOR migraine triggers, other triggers won’t be able to reach enough tension to set you off in to a horrible migraine attack.
To learn more about migraine and headache triggers, visit my migraine and headache website at: