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Debunking the Myths about Iridology

Debunking the myths about Iridology

“We cannot attempt to cure one part of the body without treating the others. We cannot attempt to cure the body if we forgot the Soul.”


There have been several erroneous ideas about iridology. Unfortunately some of these beliefs have come from the medical field, as well as some uninformed natural health practitioners themselves. One can never be sure how these illusions came about; however, it is imperative to correct some of these known fictions.

Iridology has frequently been seen by some unlearned individuals as a sort of astrology or fortune telling technique. To believe that idea out of hand is to rob the public of an invaluable tool in preventive medicine. Iridology has been practiced and recorded for centuries. More importantly, with the help of today’s technology in digital magnification and imaging, researchers around the world are able to rapidly move the validation of iridology and its findings forward. Medical doctors in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, and many European countries both revere Iridology and use it in their practice of both traditional and alternative medicine. Scientists are, at this moment, discovering the myriad of layers of information in the iris, the pupil, the pupillary border, and the sclera.

Dr. Celso Batello, of Greece, is continuing research on the incidence of contraction furrows in the iris and how they relate to the autonomic nervous system. Dr. Serge Jurasunas of Portugal is an oncologist who uses Iridology in his determination of treatment protocols for breast cancer patients. Dr. Daniele Lo Rito of Venice, Italy, is an MD who both teaches Iridology and uses it in his practice. These are just a few of the respected professionals who understand the importance of Iridology.

Some of the professional terms or idioms used in iridology have been changed, to reflect more correct usage. Radial furrows, which appear as ‘spokes’ in the iris were often referred to as ‘parasite lines’. This description was not precisely incorrect, but it most assuredly caused the wrong impression. The radials are indicative of a weak area in the

intestinal lining which can be vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, toxins, or parasites. These radials most frequently are visible in the upper quadrant of the iris, or head area. Unfortunately, many people became obsessed with the fear that there were parasites in their brains, which is an entirely false assumption. This regrettable misuse of the term ‘parasite lines’ caused undue alarm and only served to denigrate the science of iridology.

Another false claim which undesirably brought about raised eyebrows and dismissal of iridology by the mainstream medical community was the idea that a brown eye could completely change color to become blue.

Congruous with the teachings of competent iridologists, iris colors remain constant. Pigmentation in the iris, seen as spots or areas of color, can become lighter or darker to a degree as levels of toxicity decrease; but if your eyes are brown, they will remain so. The bizarre claim that a person could ‘cleanse’ himself to exhaustion until his iris changed color, is another

unreasonable assertion. Cleansing and de-toxification are wonderful healing modalities, with absolutely no intent or ability to completely change eye color.

There are a number of things, as in any science, that an iridology exam will not be able to reveal for certain. An Iridologist in America will not diagnose any disease by name, but rather the premise is to work with ‘body systems’ and look for weak areas that are vulnerable to disease, as well as levels of congestion and toxicity.

Should someone have their appendix removed, for instance, this will not be visible in the iris. During anesthetic, the nervous system is quelled to the point of inability to send strong signals to the iris.

An additional theory still being used by some practitioners is that ‘healing signs’ in the shape of small cross hatched lines filling in a lacuna shape will appear in the iris and determine that healing has taken place. This simply does not happen. As heretofore mentioned, certain markings in

the iris can lighten somewhat as the body begins to repair; thus sending energy to an impaired area which can result in improvement. This is due to the actual fiber structure in the iris lifting so that less of the underlying black pigmentation of the posterior border layer is revealed. In fact, sclera signs are a more reliable method of determining changes in the body in a timely manner.

One cannot look in the iris and know a person’s blood pressure, specific blood serum cholesterol levels, see the absolute presence of a tumor and know the size of it. Nor can one look in the eyes and tell the gender of a person.

Another common mistake is for patients to confuse iridology with the actual study of eye diseases. Oftentimes, clients will ask me, “Do you see glaucoma in my eyes?” Or “Can you tell if I need glasses?” The study of eyes and eye diseases is a practice related to ophthalmology

or optometry.

While presenting a lecture at a college of nursing, I was told this story by one of the students. She said that her friend had seen an Iridologist who informed her that her green eyes meant that her entire body was toxic. The friend was understandably appalled and decided that Iridology was quackery. It is unfortunate that some iridologists, especially with outdated

schooling in the field, have limited knowledge and incorrect information. I assured the girl that the green color of her friend’s eyes merely indicated the color of the eyes she was born with. It could indeed suggest a genetic weakness in the kidney area, or any area common to mixed (biliary) colored eyes; but to say that the girl’s whole body was toxic is a misfortune in choice of practitioners.

Iridology is a precise science, and all sciences have some limitations. However, the astounding ability of this science to determine the overall health of the whole person, and their genetic influences, is so valuable as to not be denied.

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