It’s time for women to start doing more of what they’re already good at-talking. But even though most women think they have the gift of gab, there’s always room for improvement. Especially when it comes to talking to your doctor about an issue close to your heart-heart health.
A conversation of the heart may be one of the most important conversations you can have with your doctor. In fact, a good heart-to-heart may help prevent the number-one killer of women-heart disease. Because good communications with your doctor can be vital to your heart health, Bayer Aspirin recently launched Conversations of the Heart™, a national educational program designed to help women talk to their doctors about heart disease and improve their heart health.
Just as there are different personality types, every woman has her own unique approach to solving problems that influences how she seeks and processes information or advice about her health. Some women need detailed information to take action, while others are instinctively geared to follow their doctor’s advice once provided with the rationale. Some just want the bottom line to better health and others need a hands-on demonstration before deciding to implement change. Which type are you?
To help you find out, Bayer Aspirin has partnered with Kathy Kolbe to develop the Conversations of the Heart™ Health MO+™, an engaging Web-based resource powered by the Kolbe A™ Index that helps you discover and evaluate your problem-solving instincts and then offers concrete steps to improve communication with your doctor. All you have to do is take a short questionnaire to determine how you respond to a variety of situations and you’ll get personalized feedback, based on how you take action, including a customized report and audio discussion that will help make the most out of your next doctor visit.
The Health MO+ provides results that help women discuss potential prevention strategies every woman should discuss with her doctor, including aspirin, a simple, cost-effective and highly effective drug in the fight against heart disease. For example, after accessing the Health MO+, a woman who needs a lot of facts and details in order to make a decision will learn how to use this instinct to her advantage. She will be given tips on how to effectively communicate to her doctor the information needed to determine what prevention strategies are right for her such as diet, exercise and aspirin therapy. These tips may include:
• Make a list of questions you have and bring it with you.
• Ask your doctor to be as specific as possible and to explain your situation to you.
• Let the doctor know that you need to form your own opinions based on all the facts.
• Visit Web sites such as to gather supporting information.
Having the right tips and resources on hand can make all the difference when it comes to making the most of your doctor’s visit.
Once you’ve got what you need, have a Conversation of the Heart with your doctor.