How do I build muscle is a question asked by thousands of beginning bodybuilders every year. There is a lot of information out there, but it is not all accurate. The body building world can be intimidating for a beginner, so here we will answer the basic question “How do I build muscle?”
Step 1
What you need to do first off to answer the how do I build muscle question is learn the correct techniques for a weight training system. There is no need to over complicate matters at the start, just make sure that you have a routine that puts a stress on the muscles to allow them to develop, and that you can sustain the routine consistently. Although a long term bodybuilder will need a more diverse routine to build muscles evenly, that is for a later time, and the basic routines will do for now.
Step 2
What you do need to do is give the same attention to different parts of your body. Many people who ask how do I build muscle are concentrating too much on one small group of muscles. The body has many different groups of muscles, and if you can learn to work them evenly, you will get much better results. The most common group for people to concentrate on is the biceps, but this is not the way to go for optimum results.
Step 3
Do everything you can to avoid injury. One non-answer to how do I build muscle is to be injured so that your workout routines cannot be maintained. The important consideration is not to attempt too much too soon. A simple muscle strain will not be too damaging, provided you rest it, but a ligament strain will put a severe block on your progress. One of the most important parts of any athletic routine is the warm up, and that should never be overlooked. Make sure you wind down properly by doing some stretching as well.
Step 4
Listen to your body, and know when you are not getting the result you want. Experienced bodybuilders can recognise the feeling known as the burn, which is a symptom of the muscle being worked effectively for health and growth. If you want to know how do I build muscle, make sure you take notice of how your body feels the next day. The muscles should not be strained, but they should be aching the next morning if you have been working them at the level you need to.
These four answers are all parts of learning “how do I build muscle?”