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MSM combats seasonal allergies and hay fever in a big way

Seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) affects more than 25 million Americans each year and current studies indicate the problem of seasonal allergies is on the rise.

Numerous clinical observations and case studies have led researchers to propose that methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) may help to significantly reduce the symptoms of SAR.

In a study conducted in 2002, fifty people with chronic SAR, completed a study. They consumed 2600 mg of MSM per day. As part of the study, respiratory symptoms, energy levels and immune and inflammatory reactions were measured. All of the participants noted remarkable improvement and tests performed on the individuals in the study measured and confirmed that the use of the supplement MSM had made a physically distinctive rectification of SAR symptoms.

The results of the study suggest that MSM supplementation of 2600 mg per day for 30 days may help reduce the symptoms of SAR; additionally few side effects are associated with the use of MSM.

(information obtained for this article was found in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Feb.2003, Vol. 9, No. 1: 15-16)

A PERSONAL NOTE: I have used MSM as a supplement regimen for 10 years. I have been a chronic hay fever sufferer all of my life, and I discovered that using MSM stopped the runny itchy eyes and scratchy throat during the hay fever season. I still sneeze but the more irritating side effects of hay fever have been chiefly eliminated.

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